Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Praising - 7

I was going to use somebody else for this praising .. but ... I made up my mind about doing it right today with this very one .. . because

I think she needs it BADLY!

Today I'll be praising Rita!

Praising Rita! Yes!

TRUE! I'm praising HER!

I LOVE this one!
However I don't understand why we keep on having rows!

Actually ... let's put it straight and be honest about this issue ... she gets mad at me I don't understand why and she doesn't often understand my joking way because my humour is my humour and it's said to be weird... Oh well...

On the other hand there's something I DO APPRECIATE in her : her way with school stuff and her sense of responsibility. However... she makes me breathless when her stress gets hold of her and she just stops any possible rationalising action.
She is a friend of her friends and cares about you if she is aware you're sad or disturbed by any reason.
She is A VERY GOOD STUDENT and needs more self-confidence and calm to reach the target I know she can reach and she deserves : to get to excellence as far grades are concerned i.e. to get a 20!That won't be difficult as she's almost there. She's already reached 19!

The English teacher

PS: RITA told me I had forgotten to call her "irritating Rita"! I personally like calling her that because I find the alliteration just great!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ana Luísa also wanted to have a say about MUSIC


Well, I’m Ana Luisa, a 15 year-old girl that doesn’t know what to post about!
I don’t want to do a boring post nobody will have patience to read!

Thinking well, I guess I’m going talk about one of my favourite hobbies: music.
I’m not one of those people that is always listening to music, with the phones on their ears and don’t hear anything else. That’s irritating!

No, I don’t need to be always listening to music: music is always in my mind, and it is music that is with me when I’m alone, it is music that helps me when I’m sad… One of the things that cheers me up when I’m down is singing. To tell the truth, I’m almost always singing…and people tell me to shut up! However I don’t care if they say I’m crazy!
Hip hop, R&B, pop, reggaeton, rock…for me, that’s not important, the important thing is the way it makes me feel: good...

PS: I guess I wrote a very boring post. I don’t care, I wrote about what I like!
If you didn’t like the text, watch the picture. I love it!
A beautiful sunrise…

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Praising - 6

It's easy to guess who'll be praised today!
Yes... There is a "ladybird" in this classgroup too.
Joana is today's post main character.
Our first contact wasn't an easy one.
She was shy, very shy
she even feared me.
One school-year has passed
Miss Ladybird
became a nice young lady,
a more daring student,
taking much more active part in class activities.
Why so?
Well... I think she is now really aware
she can take advantage out of the other students' knowledge to improve hers
and she can also progress
doing pleasant things with a foreign language
she doesn't seem to be very keen on.
She has eventually understood learning English also means fun
and I'm very happy for that.
Miss Ladybird, I am PROUD of YOU!
The English teacher

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Praising - 5

Lord Quim's turn!

He's got nice manners,
is right in front of me in classes.
He's a hard working lad, does every single homework I give to this classgroup.
I used to call him "Little Lord" because he reminds me of the actor in the film with the same name, film I saw ages ago.
He is really tall now
he's got a brand new voice...
which is very nice
his classmates nicknamed him
"The Voice".

I like having him where he is this year.
He is more attentive.
he enjoys playing the medieval knight
to help the maiden in need.
And... of course he is another one of my "pets" in this classgroup.
They ALL are!

The English teacher

Friday, November 17, 2006

Praising - 4

We must be really VERY PATIENT with this one!
He tries every single device to make me (and everybody else) pay attention to him.
He enjoys bugging anyone
if I come to think of him and analyse his reactions more in detail
I realise
I am before a nice lad
who's eager to do something worthwhile at school and out of it.
He's got nice manners,
he's even good-looking (I know he's well aware of that!)
and if he could concentrate his energies on studying a bit more,
he'd surely be a much better student.
He promised he'd try to work more this school-year and I know he'll try hard to keep up to his promise.
I'm very fond of him and looking forward to seeing his scuccess.
Today's praising goes obviously to
Diogo (Go-Go) Rebelo
The English teacher

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Praising - 3

For today's praising I've chosen Patrícia
I don't really know whether I'm doing the right thing.
I'll have to face myself with the effects of my attitude if I'm not.
Anyway... I'll try it!
This is the second year she's been having me as a teacher of English
she often forgets she can do a lot if she's up to that.
She loves reading about psychology and talks about it as if she were an expert.
She is nice and easy to handle when she's in a good mood.
However she gets touchy all of a sudden
and drives you round the bend easily.
It's really a shame she doesn't trust herself
because she can do lots of positive things if she wants to.
I wish she could look at herself in the mirror!
The image I see of her is of a pretty young lady
with many talents she hasn't dared explore yet.
In spite of all the rows we've been having (specially lately)
I love her dearly.
The English teacher

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Praising - 2

Who's Diogo "Varejinha" anyway?
This one is a very shy guy!
This school year even worse as one of his friends stayed in the 10th form.
He is usually TOO quiet in my classes
this year even quieter as learning stuff got even more difficult than last year!
We don't talk much because he isn't very talkative.
I hope he realises I am there also for him
I am aware of how stressing my classes can be for him.
He is the tallest one of this classgroup.
Let's put things straight:
I think he's the "good giant" in 11ºA
I like him really!
The English teacher

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Praising - 1

This is a post chain I'll be doing perhaps every day.
We all know praising is motivating.
That explains
why I am doing it.

André is the youngest one of this classgroup.
He is also the one I seem to tease more
sometimes he really deserves to be told off!
However I don't forget
he is
a nice guy
he seems to have calmed down this year.
He's grown up not only physically
surprise, surprise!
He gave up being too touchy
when I am there to make him do what he must do
or just to pick on him
because he just isn't paying attention to what is going on in classes.
In spite of all these little bad sides
I am really fond of him! (although he thinks I am not!)
The English teacher

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Filipa and her passion: Music

" The word music comes from the Greek word "mousike" and from Latin "musica".
First I would like to say that there isn't a Music for everyone or for all occasions. There are different kinds of musics like the music of the people od Europe, Africa, America, etc.
But ... what is music ... and when did it appear?
Well... There isn't a unanimous definition for music because it depends on how you consider
music. We can say that language or some kind of sound is music for us because everyone has their own definition.
We all agree that music is a form of Art and entertainment. It is expressed in terms of melody and harnmony, rhythm, and the quality of sound (timbre, dynamics, texture, etc). Music can also be an expression of human emotions designed to manipulate or transform the emotion of the listeners.
The History of Music predates the written word andis tied to the development of each unique human culture.
There are music genres which are determined as such by tradition and introduced as music by the actual music coming from different cultures.
Summing it all up music has made us into what we are."

(For this one Music is her life!

The English Teacher)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Does someone remember ...

... what must be done for the E. T. to allow to be buttered up? ? ?

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