Filipa and her passion: Music

First I would like to say that there isn't a Music for everyone or for all occasions. There are different kinds of musics like the music of the people od Europe, Africa, America, etc.
But ... what is music ... and when did it appear?
Well... There isn't a unanimous definition for music because it depends on how you consider
music. We can say that language or some kind of sound is music for us because everyone has their own definition.
We all agree that music is a form of Art and entertainment. It is expressed in terms of melody and harnmony, rhythm, and the quality of sound (timbre, dynamics, texture, etc). Music can also be an expression of human emotions designed to manipulate or transform the emotion of the listeners.
The History of Music predates the written word andis tied to the development of each unique human culture.
There are music genres which are determined as such by tradition and introduced as music by the actual music coming from different cultures.
Summing it all up music has made us into what we are."
(For this one Music is her life!
The English Teacher)
I really liked this text on music. Very well written and quite informative! Nice work, Filipa!
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 12, 2006 1:40 PM
I would be surprised if Filipa did not mention music on her post.
Very good post Filipa.You seem to love music,as it is known by everyone who has talked to you at least once. I'm joking.
Keep this blog running,it is getting better everytime you post something.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 14, 2006 6:07 PM