Praising - 8
This year he's just going through a naughty adolescence crisis.
He enjoys a good laugh and he's got a clumsy way for the time being.
He's very nice in his way of doing things...that actually shouldn't be done where he tries them and he knows how to melt stone hearts !
Opposite to this misbehaviour he is fighting hard for keeping up with good grades
and I know he understands the real meaning of responsibility.
I don't think his classmates would be able to survive without him.
Well.. at least I wouldn't do without him although I keep telling him off.
People say when there's love, there's grumbling too.
And I do agree with it!
He knows well enough the sort of feeling I have for him!
The English teacher
You're right, when there's love there's grumbling, so I suppose Simão is just one more of your "pets"!
Posted by
Anonymous |
December 02, 2006 8:57 PM