Playing with Christmas vocabulary
I divided the classgroup up to the way they're sitting in the classroom and gave them words whose letters they would have to use to reach other words or to begin a sentence.
João Pedro will be the next one.
(I'm surprised with this one as he is not so ... how can I say it? ... so childish any longer as I thought he'd go on being! Perhaps because I started my own sort of "buttering up" and he let it go! Perhaps!... Or it's just apparently for the marks! We never know!)
Christmas Eve is an important night
Receiving some presents
It's a calm moment for the whole family
Snow is falling
The Christmas tree is twinkling
Midnight Mass
All the family is together
Sharing that moment with our parents, that's good.
Eating some fries
Very enjoyable evening
Eating turkey

Flávio's turn now :
All presents made by him are fun
Christmas Eve
Universe - Santa Claus is known all over the world
Sunday - Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year

very good works...
nicely done flavio,flavia e joao...
Posted by
Anonymous |
December 06, 2006 9:40 PM
Really nice work! These kids are great indeed but then they have a great teacher!
Posted by
Anonymous |
December 06, 2006 10:08 PM
where are the advices Miss Pepper??
i'm waitting....!!! eheh*
great work ppl*
Posted by
Anonymous |
December 07, 2006 2:30 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
rute |
December 14, 2006 8:39 PM
well...i've decided to show myself after all...i think that this kids are all little genious like their teacher, and because of that they probably are a little crazy lool have all a merry christmas and might the new year be better for those who had a bad year and that the new year might be as good as this for those who had a great year.
Posted by
rute |
December 14, 2006 8:47 PM