Thinking ... in the English classes as preparation of a HOMEWORK!

Three minutes in students' heads during an English lesson.
Pedro did this:
"On the 11th Ocotber, our English teacher told us to think. Hearing that we asked 'about what?' and she answered 'just think!' So we were there three minutes thinking.
During that time I thought of basketball, the weather, my lunch and I also thought of the new game that is coming for Playstation 2, Pro Evolution Soccer 6.
But I thought of all of this in 1 minute. It was surprising. In the 2 minutes left, I looked outside, I laughed a little bit and I looked at my partner. I did everything except thinking. These two minutes seemed to be much more than what they really were.
So this exercise made me think that time passes faster when we are doing something. "
Ana LuĂsa came to these conclusions:
**To think, thought, though **
"Well... when you said 'start thinking', the first thing I thought of was the aim of these 3 minutes of thoughts.
As I had 3 minutes to think about anything, I decided to try to imagine what my classmates could be thinking about. I looked at you and I thought : 'Hmmmm ... She is thinking we are all crazy but I think she is crazier than us all together.!' And looking at you I remembered that lesson where we had to write about nothing and I had an idea. I was going to think about nothing! However after some seconds I thought that thinking about nothing would be boring and I decided to think about something. But... I didn't know what to think about! ... Family? No! I think about them all the time ... Friends? No! They are almost all here!...
That's it! I'll think about ... ... 'Time is over!' you said."
Nuno "Sopinhas" wrote:
**3 Minutes**
"It was 3 minutes thinking about what to think.
Did we lose 3 minutes in our life in such a stupid way? Maybe not because we were in the English class (and in the English class everything is possible.).
What I can remember of this moment is that I found myself thinking about what the other students could be thinking but I didn't manage to get to any thoughts. Maybe that was a good moment to sleep but it was only three minutes so what for was the teacher thinking to give us this mental exercise to go through? Possibly for nothing. ... Maybe the English teacher just wanted to have us to be thinking, something we are not used to doing in the English classes ..."
Nuno Matos imagined this:
"During the three minutes the teacher gave us to be thinking, I could think of four things: school tests, computer games, football and lunch time.
Computer games and football are probably my favourite interests, I like playing both and I also like to know a lot about them, especially about football.
I also thought about lunch because that English class which had started at 12:00 would be finished by 1:25 and ... I was starving!
I wish my teacher could give us a little more time to think, just like 90 minutes. Then I could think of more things but this time was very good although it was very short."
Nuno "Sopinhas" wrote:
**3 Minutes**
"It was 3 minutes thinking about what to think.
Did we lose 3 minutes in our life in such a stupid way? Maybe not because we were in the English class (and in the English class everything is possible.).
What I can remember of this moment is that I found myself thinking about what the other students could be thinking but I didn't manage to get to any thoughts. Maybe that was a good moment to sleep but it was only three minutes so what for was the teacher thinking to give us this mental exercise to go through? Possibly for nothing. ... Maybe the English teacher just wanted to have us to be thinking, something we are not used to doing in the English classes ..."
Nuno Matos imagined this:
"During the three minutes the teacher gave us to be thinking, I could think of four things: school tests, computer games, football and lunch time.
Computer games and football are probably my favourite interests, I like playing both and I also like to know a lot about them, especially about football.
I also thought about lunch because that English class which had started at 12:00 would be finished by 1:25 and ... I was starving!
I wish my teacher could give us a little more time to think, just like 90 minutes. Then I could think of more things but this time was very good although it was very short."
A very original thing to do in English Classes.And students came out with funtastic compositions,which shows us the creativity of each person by spending three minutes just thinking without a specific subject...
When they want, students can do very interesting things,so keep doing this kind of activities for readers to have
Congratulations for the blog,it is really amazing
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 22, 2006 12:00 AM
This activity seems very interesting. And the students came up with some good thoughts.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 22, 2006 4:28 PM
very good texts.... nicely done ana luisa, nuno and pedro... and of course, ME!! XD lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 23, 2006 7:54 PM
...57...58...59...60!!!! the 3 min. were over!! XD
This was a very nice work..I mean it..just fantastic!
Great work ppl***
cya** =D
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 26, 2006 8:52 PM