Rita made up her mind about saying who she is and what her likes are
"Hi there*
My name is Rita, I’m 16 and I live in Porto.
I’m a very motivated, amusing and strong-minded girl!
In the future I’m not sure of what I want to be, but perhaps something to do with animals. I can’t see an animal misplaced or injured – I always get sad and worried.
I’ve been practising karate since I was 5 and I’m part of the karate national team. But, my true passion is horse riding! I’ve been practising it for 4 years and I want to keep practising it for a long time! I really... really... really love horses**
In my free time I like listening to music, practising lots of different sports and spending precious moments with my friends!
So…this is me!!!
My name is Rita, I’m 16 and I live in Porto.
I’m a very motivated, amusing and strong-minded girl!
In the future I’m not sure of what I want to be, but perhaps something to do with animals. I can’t see an animal misplaced or injured – I always get sad and worried.
I’ve been practising karate since I was 5 and I’m part of the karate national team. But, my true passion is horse riding! I’ve been practising it for 4 years and I want to keep practising it for a long time! I really... really... really love horses**
In my free time I like listening to music, practising lots of different sports and spending precious moments with my friends!
So…this is me!!!

=D "
The horses are really fantastic! And your pastimes are very interesting too! So many things to do!
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 24, 2006 10:13 PM
It seems my true identity has been discovered,but i won't reveal it to the ones who haven't found it yet...
Very interesting post Rita.We had to wait until you made up your mind about revealing yourself,but it was worth it.
Keep the blog running like that.It's really amazing and it's getting better everyday...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 26, 2006 11:43 PM
* * *
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 27, 2006 1:39 PM
I know you two!!! LOOL
Posted by
M.P. |
October 30, 2006 12:08 AM
Do you?
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 30, 2006 1:44 PM
And all of this only because a comment.It will be difficult to find how many ***YOU KNOW WHO*** are there. Seems like the nickname has made great success among blogers.
I'd like to see how this discussion will finish lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 31, 2006 5:00 PM
No you don't!!!
YOU (m.p.) are very confused...
am *I* right??
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 02, 2006 3:06 PM
Well... Who is who ? Who is I don't know who? Who says you know who?
I am the incongnito one .. Do you know me?
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 02, 2006 10:01 PM
no...she doesn't...but I do!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 03, 2006 1:52 PM
I don't know what's going on in here!
This looks like a comment chain!
It seems these people are in search of their own identity. Or even someone else's.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 03, 2006 8:35 PM
I've forgotten to say .. I'm also in search of myself! Can you help me ? ?
***Without identity but not withou a soul***
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 04, 2006 12:00 AM
wow!! this is getting very popular... but..who is who?? Miss Peper must be very confused!!
And so do I...
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 07, 2006 2:10 PM
Indeed.. It's getting overcrowded around here... So much interesting stuff to be psycho analysed here... LOL..
*Do I know who I am?*
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 07, 2006 10:45 PM
1...2...3..?? how many are you??
this is getting too confused!
** #@»+~"##@%!=^~£ **
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 08, 2006 2:14 PM
LOL... Now ... who are you all??? I just love seeing this seems to have no end! But... Do I know myself? I think I don't! Therefore... ... don't exist! ...
***some virtual bug***
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 08, 2006 4:54 PM
People are becoming addicted to this subject.It would be great to know how many people are there commenting with no name.If this chain continues like that,there'll be a time when even I may not be sure of my true identity...lol
***YOU KNOW WHO*** (the real one)
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 11, 2006 12:55 AM
I'd like that every person that have participated in this conversation to say "i'm one of them"..but this is serious.. so that we could know how many are WE..
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 11, 2006 8:19 PM