Two "Autumn/Fall" creative texts
SeAson between Summer and Winter
It is Usually cold and raining
Trees have no flowers
ChestnUts are traditional
SepteMber is the month when Autumn starts
WiNd doesn't miss this time
Hot Food becomes more usual
People Are melancholic and sad
YeLlow, red, orange and brown are the colours
Leaves fall.

In the end of Summertime
There will be changes to the weather
The Autumn will come
I hope this season will make us feel better
There will be leaves falling
And the clouds may cry
To make the plants grow
Into an infinite sky
We will need protection
From the cold we may feel
Putting on warmer clohtes
Will make that cold unreal
We must try to enjoy every day
Like it was the last
Because time goes on so quickly
That Autumn is almost pastDaniel Carvalho
These texts are really good! Keep up with the good work!
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 02, 2006 1:23 PM
Very good texts... really really good. keep it good aline and daniel.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 02, 2006 8:37 PM
Great blog...very nice poem from Daniel.Keep it going.I´ll be around.
Posted by
Rosentau |
October 07, 2006 7:11 PM