This is just something that must be said:
Every classgroup has their own behaviours.
These kids aren't in a class wroking in groups.
It's break time!!
These kids stayed in the classroom.
Not for homework or any other class task!
Just a new "addiction"!
Lovely post! I really like the pics!
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 21, 2007 1:33 PM
Are students in this country going mad???lol
They prefer staying in a classroom during their breaks than going somewhere else where they could enjoy their freetime (which is not a lot)
At least I'm not one of them...lol
PS:that is not my favourite side to appear in pictures
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 21, 2007 7:25 PM
"At least I'm not one of them...lol
Luis, you're the worst eheheheh
Nuno Matos
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 22, 2007 1:25 PM
I cannot accept that you are trying to blacken my image only because you are always losing against me Nuno.
What a sad way to show off...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 22, 2007 4:21 PM
I never play against you. How can you say that I'm always losing against you?? But if you wanna talk about losses in a game, I can give you a name of a very famous game, and let me say that i'm not the one who loses...
Nuno Matos
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 22, 2007 10:38 PM
Nuno, please don't make me refer the names of all the other games in which you were incapable of beating me...lol
If my memory is not tricking me, there was only one more game in which you won...all the others you lost...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 9:57 PM
What's going on in here between you two, lads?? These pics denounce you all .. not only a couple of you! And .. by the way.. if the fuss is about who's winning who... you can go on commenting and commenting back! It's FUN for me to read it .. and you are using your English what is GREAT!
Posted by
M.P. |
April 23, 2007 10:05 PM
I'm sure we will and in the end I will be the winner...as always lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 10:08 PM
lol M.P.
Luis must think that just because in the 6SEP it is 100% me against 0% him, in the other games his 100% are equally distributed...
Ok Luis, you don't pay for dreaming.... eehehhehe
And by the way: 7-0
Nuno Matos
P.S.- M.P. this is just kidding..
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 10:10 PM
LOOOL.. and don't I know that?? This is healthy picking on each other! I enjoy that too... You know that by yourselves, don't you?**
Posted by
M.P. |
April 23, 2007 10:14 PM
Ok Nuno you asked me, and now I'll answer...
You may be better in that little game but don't you remember ping-pong, football, basketball, athletics, handball, volleyball, and so on...
All of these require much more physical capacities..and who's the winner???lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 10:16 PM
Please read my posts and answer me:
Have I asked for the games' names?
I thought you're intelligent and a person who reads well, but now I'm starting to think that you buy the grades. EHHEHEHEHEHE
But, I was talking about virtual games, not physical(in which you're better than me), but you don't have full dominance in anyone, as I have on P6SE.....
Nuno Matos
P.S.- I think I have the answer for your 'reading mistakes': your muscles from the physical capacities are starting to cover your eyes. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 10:25 PM
lol Nuno
You almost convinced me of your superiority, but I've remembered that your first goal is to beat me, so you use the only game in which you are capable of doing it.I promise you that one day I'll let you win in other sport, but only if you try really hard...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 23, 2007 10:35 PM
wooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is this??! are you crazy? =p let's see who is going to win "this competition"... ;)
cya** =)
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 24, 2007 2:05 PM
So, your muscles are affecting your brain now Luis.
'I've remembered that your first goal is to beat me, so you use the only game in which you are capable of doing it'
I don't know where i worte that.... You must dream with it... lol
But ok, I'm done with this because today Luis told me that I'm better than him. lol
Nuno Matos
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 24, 2007 2:46 PM
My brains are not be very well I must admit...Firstly, can anyone tell me what does "worte" mean?See I cannot even understand what you are writing...lol
And secondly, my memory is also very affected because I cannot remember anything about what you said I told you...maybe I'm too old for this lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 24, 2007 5:09 PM
I would like to correct a mistake I made...lol
My brain is not...
See Nuno, I also make mistakes but I don't need the others to correct it...lol (just joking)
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 24, 2007 5:14 PM
and the 2nd round begins..!!
LP vs NM
hmmm...always trying to prove who is the best... i wonder why.. :P eheh
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 25, 2007 9:26 PM
It seems that Nuno is afraid of starting the so called 2nd round...lol, so I'll start.
I'd only like to say that my main goal with this is not to prove my superiority (because I don't think there's any doubt about it) but only to try not to let Nuno blacken my image, as he is trying to do...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 28, 2007 1:47 AM
I don't need to ruin your image. You're doing it to yourself, showing your dark side by telling that you're superior, always trying to discuss with people...
So Luis, You might be better physically but it seems that I'm a better person.
ehehehehehe, just kidding lol
Cya *
Nuno Matos
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 28, 2007 1:19 PM
Do you really think I'd take the risk of ruining my image by saying something that was not true?
My parents have always told me to say the truth and that's the only thing I'm doing...
But it seems that you are the one who is trying to ruin my image, and I don't consider that as correct.So, maybe you are not that good as a person...lol (just joking)
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 28, 2007 11:40 PM
no comments!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 30, 2007 2:16 PM
Hi Rita,
As far as I'm (better saying we are) concerned, you're too worried about which one of us is the best one.
We've got used to it but it seems that you haven't...
We know that Luis is better than Matos as well as Matos is better than Luis, but we are sure of one thing...both of us are better than you...lol
***LP*** featuring Nuno Matos
Rita, we are waiting for your answer, but as we are almost divine persons, we don't expect a very good answer from you...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 03, 2007 10:33 PM
you just don't get it!!! i was just wondering why do you keep trying to prove who is the best.. not trying to prove anything!
and now you need the back up of each other to "talk" to me..
shame on you... :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 04, 2007 9:32 PM
Hi Rita,
The reason why we have commented together was trying to avoid spam in this blog...We were not both against you.
However, it seems that the spammer here is you as you made a comment with only "1-1"...lol! What a waste of memory
***LP*** ft Nuno Matos
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 06, 2007 5:13 PM
ok ok.. maybe you're right about the "1-1"...
but why do you keep making comments together??!oh i almost forgot... (because i have a bad memory) but you need the back up of each other... how nice :P :) :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 07, 2007 2:00 PM
It seems the fuss has been going.. LOL.. I hope it'll take forever...Just curious about the deadline of all this debate
Posted by
M.P. |
May 07, 2007 5:20 PM
today at school you said that you would make fun of me because i thought that the "waste of memory" was for me..but if you look again to your comment you'll see that you weren't clear enought because you were talking about the 1-1!
but...what can we expect from you?! LOL :p
oh..and this time try to comment by yourself..i know that it will be difficult for you.. but at least try!! :D ehe*
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 08, 2007 10:10 PM
before starting my comment, i want to know what 'enought' means. maybe tomorrow you can explain me that word Rita.
So, let put things in this way(and Rita, don't forget, I'm thinking like you did):
If Luis told you 'What a waste of memory', it means that you can waste memory.
If you can waste memory, it means that you have lots of memory.
If you have lots of memory, it means that you have good memory.
If you have good memory, you can't have bad memory.
So, when you wrote: "(because i have a bad memory)"; what message did you want to transmit to people? That you can't read? That you don't know that a blog also has memory?(eheheheheh) That you don't understand normal words?
It is not our fault, that you don't understand our words
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2007 7:55 PM
but there's one big problem here... When we were commenting, it slipped our mind that we weren't talking to a person who could understand everything we say (what a big fault)...lol
And we should also try to bear in mind that there are some persons who don't have the privilege of having the same mental capacities as we do, so we promise you that next time we'll try not to use difficult vocabulary so that you don't misunderstand us (just joking)
PS: If there's any word that you cannot understand don't be afraid of telling us...lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2007 8:15 PM
Hey kids shut up please!!!! lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2007 11:27 PM
first: I can understand your vocabulary! but even if I couldn't..if you think that you are superior because of that.. that's you problem..not mine!
second: I misundertood what you said..it happens.. oh right.. but you are perfect persons.. so you don't make mistakes!I'm regret it!
bye* (MP I know that you are tired of the 'cya*' so I hope that 'bye*' is ok to you :)
PS: I think that it is really nice when you say "our words" - what a nice couple :D lol (just kidding :p)
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 11, 2007 1:57 PM
ups!I made a mistake :)"your problem"
are you guys make fun of this too?
ehe* :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 11, 2007 2:01 PM
loooool.. 'making' :D
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 11, 2007 2:05 PM
how graceful
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 11, 2007 10:36 PM
Hi Rita,
It looks as if you are trying really hard in order to achieve our level of intelligence.However, even though you are making some progress, it seems that you still make mistakes...some of which, you are able to correct, but, there are some others that are beyond your capacities...loool
We know you must be thinking that we too make mistakes, but, as you saw, we are able to correct them all before the others tell us to...
***LP*** ft Nuno Matos
Ps(Post-scriptum - for those who may not understand what we are trying to say...lol):The next time you try to comment this blog, make sure you do not make mistakes (if such thing is possible)...lol (just kidding)
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 15, 2007 8:00 PM
hmmmm..is this the fantastic comment?!!!
ohh..ok then! keep going boys!
(if that makes you happy...!)
=D =) =p
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 16, 2007 2:09 PM
There is a law that says that we mus comment our blog..
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 16, 2007 3:18 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 16, 2007 3:19 PM
A LAW??? LOOOL I didn't know I had changed into a Lawyer!! Well... but if you say so.. who am I to contradict you, kids???
Posted by
M.P. |
May 17, 2007 12:27 AM