On Spring, Poet and Tree
I don't consider myself a poet
But as Spring has come
This time I'll forget that
And will write this like I am one
So I look around me
And I'm confronted with simplicity
Flowers bloom around a tree
Making me feel free
I feel like warming up
The sun shows itself each time more
So I go away, the door is shut
And away I feel better than before

When I think about Spring
I feel one thing
Summer is coming
The birds are flying
The bees meeting the flowers
The trees are smiling
The poet has the power
Long live Poetry!!!
Spring, Poet and Tree
It's about what must write
In the end it won't be
the poetry it might!
Spring can come
And Spring may go
The Poet will go
And try to find some.
Some trees kiss me
Some trees hug me
Stand up for their right
Don't give up the fight.
Spring is here
The little birds sing in the sky
The Poet and magic are near
Says a beautiful butterfly.
Flowers win colour
And the trees get all green
There again the ancient party
In which Nature is the Queen.
Diogo Rebelo
The Sun is shining
Spring is coming
Flowers are born on trees
So that everyone sees
The Poet is describing a lake
while eating a cake.
Spring is back
The Poet broke his neck
Trees are filled with leaves
The Winter leaves
We're anxious for the arrival of Summer
The carpenters use their hammer
The trees are full of sadness
The fires take them to darkness.
Be a Poet in Spring
Talk about birds and trees
That is our work today
and we can't run away.
Birds're singing with the sun
Easter'll be coming soon
Nature is incredibly fun
We can't forget trees will bloom
The flowers, the trees, the animals
The Sun, the rain, the wind
Mix all so that we can say
it's the beginning of Spring.
Nuno Matos
Today I'm a Poet
Today I can write whatever I want
I can change, mix or add words in a sentence
'Cause today I am peot
And I'm free to do what I want
Today is the Tree Day
Today the Petry rhymes with tree
Today trunks are sentences
And Poets are the leaves
Today is the arrival of Spring
With Spring come the trees
With trees comes inspiration
Inspiration is taken by poets
Who make Poetry
Today Poetry is made by trees
Today Spring is like a leaf
Today is Nature's Day.
Behind the feeling of a poet
IN a lively beginning of Spring
Happiness is coming along
Time to spread our wings
AQfter a long freezing period of death
When all the life was fading
Another cycle will arise
Time to start sunbathing
Birds are everywhere
Livelihood is all around
LOve is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Spring is coming
and flowers rise
The sun is shining
and the mood is nice
New trees are blooming
and little leaves have appeared
The green forest is growing
and nature is reborn
A little poet is writing
about this wonderful season
that is our lovely spring
Just open your eyes
to find inspiration
Spring is right by your side
... ... ...
When it comes to Spring
The trees become green.
The imagination of the Poet has wings
... ... ...
When the trees bloom,
when the birds sing,
and the days get more beautiful,
the Poet has more imagination
because a new station arrived
with Sun and Happiness.
It's Spring
E. T.
The Poet sings
Trees of Emotions
in Spring
Spring emotions
Fill the Poet's soul
with renewed sensations
with renewed vibrations
In a poetic ecstasy
Nature celebrates
The Day of Poetry
First of all I have to say that I preferred the previous template in a lighter shade of blue.
Now, I just loved all the poetry I read here. I think there are a lot of people here with real talent who should go on writing because they're really good! Keep up with the good work, kids!
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 10, 2007 9:04 PM
eheh..nice work ppl...I think that we are a fantastic grup with a biiig imagination!! =D
keep going...
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 10, 2007 9:52 PM
These texts are amazing.They show how hard students can work when they are asked to,but they also show their creativity when they are able to spread the wings of imagination.
Keep up with the excellent work,so that I can have fun reading all your class works at home.
***LP***(back again)
Posted by
Anonymous |
April 10, 2007 9:55 PM