Patricia and anorexia

Nervous anorexia
I thought a lot about a subject that could reflect a reciprocal feeling and I chose nervous anorexia, because it is an existing problem and very common among youths.
I thought a lot about a subject that could reflect a reciprocal feeling and I chose nervous anorexia, because it is an existing problem and very common among youths.
Another reason why I chose this subject for a post was because I recently knew someone who has just gone through nervous anorexia, and consequently was deep in depression.
When I saw that person’s face expression, I wondered!
Her face reflected several feelings: frustration, exhaustion, confusion, intimidation, embarrassment, depression…
One part of me felt straight away a strong relation with it, a strong wish to help…and the other part felt fear and confusion.
Her face reflected several feelings: frustration, exhaustion, confusion, intimidation, embarrassment, depression…
One part of me felt straight away a strong relation with it, a strong wish to help…and the other part felt fear and confusion.
Time went by and we started to get along and I encouraged her to try to overcome it all.
That person told me about certain aspects of her life and that even made me more interested in researching about the disease and so I started doing it.
Nervous anorexia can be defined as a deliberate and auto-imposed inanition followed by a constant search for getting thinner and a morbid fear to get fat.
This kind of disease happens particularly in women with an average age of between 14 and 21 years old.
It usually appears due to traumatic experiences or school insuccess, combined with feeling of insatisfaction or even repugnance in relation to the body aspects, sometimes leading to the expression: “I felt bad in front of the mirror”.
The symptoms of this disease are the progressive loss of hunger, leading to thinning and often to death; it also leads to the disappearing of the amenorrhea, that is, menstruation.
This kind of disease happens particularly in women with an average age of between 14 and 21 years old.
It usually appears due to traumatic experiences or school insuccess, combined with feeling of insatisfaction or even repugnance in relation to the body aspects, sometimes leading to the expression: “I felt bad in front of the mirror”.
The symptoms of this disease are the progressive loss of hunger, leading to thinning and often to death; it also leads to the disappearing of the amenorrhea, that is, menstruation.
Most part of the young people who suffer from nervous anorexiashow a lot of physical activity in the beginning , they are very demanding in relation to perfection, studious and meticulous, qualities that are deceiving, being just an illusion.
Is it worth to reach an aim by these means?
Is it worth to be thin but psychologically unbalanced?
Do people like us just because we are thin or fat?
Is it worth to be thin but psychologically unbalanced?
Do people like us just because we are thin or fat?
Many of the young people, who choose that way, do it because they want to become models.
With this article I want to alert all the young people of my age who have been through this, or who are at risk of going through it, to pay close attention to the disadvantages it represents.
Think well before self-destruction and above all remember that you worry the people who really love you.
Don’t forget that anorexia is a fake friend.
It pretends to be our friend, giving us a feeling of false power
and afterwards it leaves us in a hole sometimes with no possible return.
Patricia Araújo
Patricia Araújo